Interface Execution

Type describing an order's execution.


  • Execution


acctNumber?: string

The account to which the order was allocated.

avgPrice?: number

Average price. Used in regular trades, combo trades and legs of the combo. Does not include commissions.

clientId?: number

The API client identifier which placed the order which originated this execution.

cumQty?: number

Cumulative quantity. Used in regular trades, combo trades and legs of the combo.

evMultiplier?: number

Tells you approximately how much the market value of a contract would change if the price were to change by 1.

It cannot be used to get market value by multiplying the price by the approximate multiplier.

evRule?: string

The Economic Value Rule name and the respective optional argument. The two values should be separated by a colon.

For example, aussieBond:YearsToExpiration=3.

When the optional argument is not present, the first value will be followed by a colon.

exchange?: string

The exchange where the execution took place.

execId?: string

The execution's identifier.

Each partial fill has a separate ExecId.

A correction is indicated by an ExecId which differs from a previous ExecId in only the digits after the final period, e.g. an ExecId ending in ".02" would be a correction of a previous execution with an ExecId ending in ".01".

lastLiquidity?: Liquidities

The liquidity type of the execution.

Requires TWS 968+ and API v973.05+.

liquidation?: number

Identifies whether an execution occurred because of an IB-initiated liquidation.

modelCode?: string

The model code.

orderId?: number

The API client's order Id. May not be unique to an account.

orderRef?: string

The OrderRef is a user-customizable string that can be set from the API or TWS and will be associated with an order for its lifetime.

pendingPriceRevision?: boolean
permId?: number

The TWS order identifier. The PermId can be 0 for trades originating outside IB.

price?: number

The order's execution price excluding commissions.

shares?: number

The number of shares filled.

side?: string

Specifies if the transaction was buy or sale BOT for bought, SLD for sold.

time?: string

The execution's server time.

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