connectionThe connection-watchdog timeout interval in seconds.
The connection-watchdog monitors the socket connection to TWS/IB Gateway for activity and triggers a re-connect if TWS/IB Gateway does not response within the given amount of time. If 0 or undefined, the connection-watchdog will be disabled.
hostHostname of the TWS (or IB Gateway).
Default is 'localhost'.
loggerCustom logger implementation.
By default [[IBApiNext]] does log to console. If you want to log to a different target (i.e. a file or pipe), set this attribute to your custom [[IBApiNextLogger]] implementation.
maxMax. number of requests per second, sent to TWS/IB Gateway. Default is 40. IB specifies 50 requests/s as maximum.
Note that sending large amount of requests within a small amount of time, significantly increases resource consumption of the TWS/IB Gateway (especially memory consumption). If you experience any lags, hangs or crashes on TWS/IB Gateway while sending request bursts, try to reduce this value.
portHostname of the TWS (or IB Gateway).
Default is 7496, which is the default setting on TWS for live-accounts.
reconnectThe auto-reconnect interval in milliseconds. If 0 or undefined, auto-reconnect will be disabled.
Generated using TypeDoc
Input arguments on the [[IBApiNext]] constructor.